Typically companies realize too late that they are suffering from financial distress. By the time they understand, the situation has become threatening to the firm. A corporate turnaround, in which harmful decisions must be made, becomes unavoidable. |
It is though of crucial importance that a firm doesn't unnecessarily loose the assets that secure future cash flow: the brands. Therefore, realizing the threats in time is crucial. |
It is understandable that in a situation of need, a firm cuts all marketing and product development expenses. And certainly, if the situation is such that turnaround specialists must be called in, it is almost unavoidable. |
However, in a controllable situation a firm usually fares well with a systematic approach to its brand assets. Mai Asia assists firms in such situations. |
Brand Performance Analysis
We identify the brands and marketing tools that add positive value to the firm. It is important to maintain these. Brands or marketing projects that harm the financial situation without high chance of generating future profit might indeed need to be divested or put on hold. |
Setting brand support budgets and priorities
In a turnaround situation the most important character traits are to stay calm and focused. Setting the corporate (and brand) priorities is extremely important. Our analysis will show on where to focus and which current or future financial sopport will be needed to get back on track. |
Brand Value turnaround strategies
We develop a strategic roadmap to financial success in the future. By doing so our focus is on Brand Value. If things go right, firms will benefit from a consistent and strong market presence. |
Out of six main service areas, Brand Value Development in pre- or post-IPO situations is of crucial importance to a firm as wrong treatment of parameters that build Brand Value can result in opportunity cost and losses of credibility. |
Brand Performance Analysis |
Setting brand support budgets |
Brand Value turnaround strategies |